wxJoystickwxJoystick allows an application to control one or more joysticks. Derived from Include files <wx/joystick.h> See also Members
wxJoystick::wxJoystickwxJoystick(int joystick = wxJOYSTICK1) Constructor. joystick may be one of wxJOYSTICK1, wxJOYSTICK2, indicating the joystick controller of interest.
wxJoystick::~wxJoystick~wxJoystick() Destroys the wxJoystick object.
wxJoystick::GetButtonStateint GetButtonState() const Returns the state of the joystick buttons. Every button is mapped to a single bit in the returned integer, with the first button being mapped to the least significant bit, and so on. A bitlist of wxJOY_BUTTONn identifiers, where n is 1, 2, 3 or 4 is available for historical reasons.
wxJoystick::GetManufacturerIdint GetManufacturerId() const Returns the manufacturer id.
wxJoystick::GetMovementThresholdint GetMovementThreshold() const Returns the movement threshold, the number of steps outside which the joystick is deemed to have moved.
wxJoystick::GetNumberAxesint GetNumberAxes() const Returns the number of axes for this joystick.
wxJoystick::GetNumberButtonsint GetNumberButtons() const Returns the number of buttons for this joystick.
wxJoystick::GetNumberJoysticksstatic int GetNumberJoysticks() Returns the number of joysticks currently attached to the computer.
wxJoystick::GetPollingMaxint GetPollingMax() const Returns the maximum polling frequency.
wxJoystick::GetPollingMinint GetPollingMin() const Returns the minimum polling frequency.
wxJoystick::GetProductIdint GetProductId() const Returns the product id for the joystick.
wxJoystick::GetProductNamewxString GetProductName() const Returns the product name for the joystick.
wxJoystick::GetPositionwxPoint GetPosition() const Returns the x, y position of the joystick.
wxJoystick::GetPOVPositionint GetPOVPosition() const Returns the point-of-view position, expressed in continuous, one-hundredth of a degree units, but limited to return 0, 9000, 18000 or 27000. Returns -1 on error.
wxJoystick::GetPOVCTSPositionint GetPOVCTSPosition() const Returns the point-of-view position, expressed in continuous, one-hundredth of a degree units. Returns -1 on error.
wxJoystick::GetRudderMaxint GetRudderMax() const Returns the maximum rudder position.
wxJoystick::GetRudderMinint GetRudderMin() const Returns the minimum rudder position.
wxJoystick::GetRudderPositionint GetRudderPosition() const Returns the rudder position.
wxJoystick::GetUMaxint GetUMax() const Returns the maximum U position.
wxJoystick::GetUMinint GetUMin() const Returns the minimum U position.
wxJoystick::GetUPositionint GetUPosition() const Gets the position of the fifth axis of the joystick, if it exists.
wxJoystick::GetVMaxint GetVMax() const Returns the maximum V position.
wxJoystick::GetVMinint GetVMin() const Returns the minimum V position.
wxJoystick::GetVPositionint GetVPosition() const Gets the position of the sixth axis of the joystick, if it exists.
wxJoystick::GetXMaxint GetXMax() const Returns the maximum x position.
wxJoystick::GetXMinint GetXMin() const Returns the minimum x position.
wxJoystick::GetYMaxint GetYMax() const Returns the maximum y position.
wxJoystick::GetYMinint GetYMin() const Returns the minimum y position.
wxJoystick::GetZMaxint GetZMax() const Returns the maximum z position.
wxJoystick::GetZMinint GetZMin() const Returns the minimum z position.
wxJoystick::GetZPositionint GetZPosition() const Returns the z position of the joystick.
wxJoystick::HasPOVbool HasPOV() const Returns true if the joystick has a point of view control.
wxJoystick::HasPOV4Dirbool HasPOV4Dir() const Returns true if the joystick point-of-view supports discrete values (centered, forward, backward, left, and right).
wxJoystick::HasPOVCTSbool HasPOVCTS() const Returns true if the joystick point-of-view supports continuous degree bearings.
wxJoystick::HasRudderbool HasRudder() const Returns true if there is a rudder attached to the computer.
wxJoystick::HasUbool HasU() const Returns true if the joystick has a U axis.
wxJoystick::HasVbool HasV() const Returns true if the joystick has a V axis.
wxJoystick::HasZbool HasZ() const Returns true if the joystick has a Z axis.
wxJoystick::IsOkbool IsOk() const Returns true if the joystick is functioning.
wxJoystick::ReleaseCapturebool ReleaseCapture() Releases the capture set by SetCapture. Return value true if the capture release succeeded. See also wxJoystick::SetCapture, wxJoystickEvent
wxJoystick::SetCapturebool SetCapture(wxWindow* win, int pollingFreq = 0) Sets the capture to direct joystick events to win. Parameters win
Return value true if the capture succeeded. See also wxJoystick::ReleaseCapture, wxJoystickEvent
wxJoystick::SetMovementThresholdvoid SetMovementThreshold(int threshold) Sets the movement threshold, the number of steps outside which the joystick is deemed to have moved.