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Known Issues
There are some known issues with Qt Creator. The development team is aware of them, there is no need to report them as bugs.
Known Issues of Version 1.3.1
- Debugging Helper does not work while performing On-Device Debugging.
- QML Preview (Run Project) only works if built against Qt with Declarative UI.
- Setting breakpoints in code that is compiled into the binary more than once does not work.
- On Linux and Windows, installing Qt with one user account and then using it with another requires other users to manually set the Qt version. On Windows, setting the MinGW location is required as well. The same applies to the location of GDB for Symbian. A workaround is to copy %APPDATA%/Nokia/qtcreator.ini (Windows) or $HOME/.config/Nokia/QtCreator.ini (Linux) from the directory of the user who installed Qt Creator to the other user. This issue does not exist on Mac OS X.
Known Issues of Version 1.2.0 and 1.2.1
- Gdb on Windows may not work if the 'Embassy ® Security Center' software by 'Wave ® Systems' is installed and active (causing crashes in vxvault.dll)).
- Only simple data types (POD) work in the Watch Window of CDB.
- Qt Creator uses SQLite for storing some of its settings. SQLite is known to have problems with certain NFS servers (most notably the nfs-user-server 2.2beta), since they can lock up the application when it tries to lock the database. If your home directory is on an NFS share and you encounter this issue, one option would be to switch to the nfs-kernel-server, or create a symlink so that the settings are stored locally.
Known Issues of Version 1.1.0
- Paths or file names containing spaces or special characters, e.g., colons, dollar signs, hash marks etc. may cause problems. This is because some of the tools Qt Creator uses in the background have restrictions on the characters allowed in file and directory names. To be on the safe side, we recommend creating projects and project items with names consisting of plain characters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens.
- .pro files are reformatted if files have been added or removed. Whitespace is not preserved.
- There is no IDE support for adding files to include (.pri) files.
- There is no IDE support for adding/removing sub-projects. Project hierarchies (SUBDIRS template) have to be created manually.
- The file system sidebar does not update automatically. As a workaround, switch to another directory and then back.
- Loading KDE4 designer plugins breaks the style in KDE < 4.2.1 due to a bug in KDE.
- The DEFINES and INCLUDES set in .pro files are not dealt with on a file-specific level. Because of this, handling of DEFINES has been disabled completely. Also the .qmake.cache is not being parsed. In general, the .pro file parser is incomplete and problems are still to be expected.
- Code completion for generated UI header files is updated only after a build.
- Code completion does not support typedefs for nested classes.
- There is a kernel bug essentially making debugging unreliable on 2.6.24 kernels for i386 (which is, unfortunately, the default on Ubuntu 8.04). See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdb/+bug/230315/ for details. The only solution to this problem is to boot another kernel.
- Gdb may take long to load debugging symbols, especially from large libraries like libQtWebKit. Starting the debugging module can take up to several minutes without visible progress.
- Setting breakpoints in files that do not have unique absolute paths may fail. For example, remounting parts of a file system using the --bind mount option.
- There is no syntax highlighting for CMake project files.
- Project files included from CMakeLists.txt are not shown in the navigation tree.
- Using the Visual Studio Compiler with CMake is not supported.
- Creating new CMake projects with Qt Creator is not supported.
- Having more than one build directory for CMake is not supported.
- Changing the build directory for CMake after the initial import is disabled.
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