$szTitle = "Qt Version Management"; include "./_header.inc"; ?>
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Qt Creator allows you to use multiple versions of Qt installed on your hard disk and switch between them easily.
Qt Creator automatically detects if qmake is in the environment variable PATH. This version of Qt is referred to as Auto-detected Qt. If you intend to use only one version of Qt - it is already in your path and correctly set up for command line usage - you do not need to manually configure your Qt version.
Otherwise, you can add your Qt version in Tools -> Options... -> Qt Versions. If you are on the Windows platform and use MinGW to compile Qt, you need to tell Qt Creator where MinGW is installed. This is done by setting the MinGW Directory under Tools -> Options... -> Qt4 -> Qt Versions -> MinGw Directory. If your Qt version is compiled with Microsoft Visual C++'s compiler, Qt Creator will automatically set the correct environment variables for compilation.
Note: By default projects are compiled with the default Qt version. You can override this in the Build Configuration.
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