Описание класса QXmlQuery
enum | QueryLanguage { XQuery10, XSLT20 } |
QXmlQuery () | |
QXmlQuery ( const QXmlQuery & other ) | |
QXmlQuery ( const QXmlNamePool & np ) | |
QXmlQuery ( QueryLanguage queryLanguage, const QXmlNamePool & np = QXmlNamePool() ) | |
~QXmlQuery () | |
void | bindVariable ( const QXmlName & name, const QXmlItem & value ) |
void | bindVariable ( const QXmlName & name, QIODevice * device ) |
void | bindVariable ( const QXmlName & name, const QXmlQuery & query ) |
void | bindVariable ( const QString & localName, const QXmlItem & value ) |
void | bindVariable ( const QString & localName, QIODevice * device ) |
void | bindVariable ( const QString & localName, const QXmlQuery & query ) |
void | evaluateTo ( QXmlResultItems * result ) const |
bool | evaluateTo ( QAbstractXmlReceiver * callback ) const |
bool | evaluateTo ( QStringList * target ) const |
bool | evaluateTo ( QString * output ) const |
bool | evaluateTo ( QIODevice * target ) const |
QXmlName | initialTemplateName () const |
bool | isValid () const |
QAbstractMessageHandler * | messageHandler () const |
QXmlNamePool | namePool () const |
QNetworkAccessManager * | networkAccessManager () const |
QueryLanguage | queryLanguage () const |
void | setFocus ( const QXmlItem & item ) |
bool | setFocus ( const QUrl & documentURI ) |
bool | setFocus ( QIODevice * document ) |
bool | setFocus ( const QString & focus ) |
void | setInitialTemplateName ( const QXmlName & name ) |
void | setInitialTemplateName ( const QString & localName ) |
void | setMessageHandler ( QAbstractMessageHandler * aMessageHandler ) |
void | setNetworkAccessManager ( QNetworkAccessManager * newManager ) |
void | setQuery ( QIODevice * sourceCode, const QUrl & documentURI = QUrl() ) |
void | setQuery ( const QUrl & queryURI, const QUrl & baseURI = QUrl() ) |
void | setQuery ( const QString & sourceCode, const QUrl & documentURI = QUrl() ) |
void | setUriResolver ( const QAbstractUriResolver * resolver ) |
const QAbstractUriResolver * | uriResolver () const |
QXmlQuery & | operator= ( const QXmlQuery & other ) |
Класс QXmlQuery представляет XQueries в XML данных или в не-XML данных, смоделированных как XML.
Класс QXmlQuery компилирует и исполняет запросы, написанные на языке XQuery. QXmlQuery обычно используется для запроса XML данных, но также может использоваться и с не-XML данными, которые смоделированы как XML.
Использовать QXmlQuery для запросов XML данных, как это показано ниже, просто, потому что можно использовать встроенную модель данных XML в качестве делегата в основном движке запросов для чтения данных. Встроенная модель данных определена в Модель данных XQuery 1.0 и XPath 2.0.
QXmlQuery query; query.setQuery("doc('index.html')/html/body/p[1]"); QXmlSerializer serializer(query, myOutputDevice); query.evaluateTo(&serializer);
Этот пример использует QXmlQuery для соответствия первому параграфу XML документа, а затем выводит результат на устройство в виде XML.
Использование QXmlQuery для запроса не-XML данных требует написания подкласса QAbstractXmlNodeModel для замещения встроенной модели XML данных. Собственная модель данных будет способна провести не-XML данные, как требуется, через интерфейс QAbstractXmlNodeModel. Экземпляр этой модели потом становится делегатом, используемым движком запросов для проведения не-XML данных. Для примера использования QXmlQuery для запроса не-XML данных смотрите документацию по QAbstractXmlNodeModel.
To run a query set up with QXmlQuery, call one of the evaluation functions.
The XPath language is a subset of the XQuery language, so running an XPath expression is the same as running an XQuery query. Pass the XPath expression to QXmlQuery using setQuery().
Running an XSLT stylesheet is like running an XQuery, except that when you construct your QXmlQuery, you must pass QXmlQuery::XSLT20 to tell QXmlQuery to interpret whatever it gets from setQuery() as an XSLT stylesheet instead of as an XQuery. You must also set the input document by calling setFocus().
QXmlQuery query(QXmlQuery::XSLT20); query.setFocus(QUrl("myInput.xml")); query.setQuery(QUrl("myStylesheet.xsl")); query.evaluateTo(out);
Note: Currently, setFocus() must be called before setQuery() when using XSLT.
Another way to run an XSLT stylesheet is to use the xmlpatterns command line utility.
xmlpatterns myStylesheet.xsl myInput.xml
Note: For the current release, XSLT support should be considered experimental. See section XSLT conformance for details.
Stylesheet parameters are bound using bindVariable().
When a query is run on XML data, as in the snippet above, the doc() function returns the node in the built-in data model where the query evaluation will begin. But when a query is run on a custom node model containing non-XML data, one of the bindVariable() functions must be called to bind a variable name to a starting node in the custom model. A $variable reference is used in the XQuery text to access the starting node in the custom model. It is not necessary to declare the variable name external in the query. Смотрите пример в документации для QAbstractXmlNodeModel.
QXmlQuery реентерабельный, но не потокобезопасный. It is safe to use the QxmlQuery copy constructor to create a copy of a query and run the same query multiple times. Behind the scenes, QXmlQuery will reuse resources such as opened files and compiled queries to the extent possible. But it is not safe to use the same instance of QXmlQuery in multiple threads.
Ошибки могут произойти в течение выполнения запроса. Примеры включают в себя ошибки типов и ошибки загрузки файлов. Когда ошибка возникает:
When a query runs, it parses documents, allocating internal data structures to hold them, and it may load other resources over the network. It reuses these allocated resources when possible, to avoid having to reload and reparse them.
When setQuery() is called, the query text is compiled into an internal data structure and optimized. The optimized form can then be reused for multiple evaluations of the query. Since the compile-and-optimize process can be expensive, repeating it for the same query should be avoided by using a separate instance of QXmlQuery for each query text.
Once a document has been parsed, its internal representation is maintained in the QXmlQuery instance and shared among multiple QXmlQuery instances.
Реализация QCoreApplication должна быть выполнена до использования QXmlQuery.
When QXmlQuery accesses resources (e.g., calling fn:doc() to load a file, or accessing a device via a bound variable), the event loop is used, which means events will be processed. To avoid processing events when QXmlQuery accesses resources, create your QXmlQuery instance in a separate thread.
Specifies whether you want QXmlQuery to interpret the input to setQuery() as an XQuery or as an XSLT stylesheet.
Константа | Значение | Описание |
QXmlQuery::XQuery10 | 1 | XQuery 1.0. |
QXmlQuery::XSLT20 | 2 | XSLT 2.0 The selector, the restricted XPath pattern found in W3C XML Schema 1.1 for uniqueness contraints. Apart from restricting the syntax, the type check stage for the expression assumes a sequence of nodes to be the focus. The field, the restricted XPath pattern found in W3C XML Schema 1.1 for uniqueness contraints. Apart from restricting the syntax, the type check stage for the expression assumes a sequence of nodes to be the focus. Signifies XPath 2.0. Has no effect in the public API, it's used internally. As With XmlSchema11IdentityConstraintSelector and XmlSchema11IdentityConstraintField, the type check stage for the expression assumes a sequence of nodes to be the focus. |
Данное перечисление было введено в Qt 4.5.
Смотрите также setQuery().
Constructs an invalid, empty query that cannot be used until setQuery() is called.
Note: This constructor must not be used if you intend to use this QXmlQuery to process XSL-T stylesheets. The other constructor must be used in that case.
Constructs a QXmlQuery that is a copy of other. The new instance will share resources with the existing query to the extent possible.
Constructs a query that will use np as its name pool. The query cannot be evaluated until setQuery() has been called.
Constructs a query that will be used to run Xqueries or XSL-T stylesheets, depending on the value of queryLanguage. It will use np as its name pool.
Note: If your QXmlQuery will process XSL-T stylesheets, this constructor must be used. The default constructor can only create instances of QXmlQuery for running XQueries.
Note: The XSL-T support in this release is considered experimental. See the XSLT conformance for details.
Эта функция была введена в Qt 4.5.
See also queryLanguage().
Destroys this QXmlQuery.
Binds the variable name to the value so that $name can be used from within the query to refer to the value.
name must not be null. name.isNull() must return false. If name has already been bound by a previous bindVariable() call, its previous binding will be overridden.
If value is null so that value.isNull() returns true, and name already has a binding, the effect is to remove the existing binding for name.
To bind a value of type QString or QUrl, wrap the value in a QVariant such that QXmlItem's QVariant constructor is called.
All strings processed by the query must be valid XQuery strings, which means they must contain only XML 1.0 characters. However, this requirement is not checked. If the query processes an invalid string, the behavior is undefined.
See also QVariant::isValid(), How QVariant maps to XQuery's Data Model, and QXmlItem::isNull().
Binds the variable name to the device so that $name can be used from within the query to refer to the device. The QIODevice device is exposed to the query as a URI of type xs:anyURI, which can be passed to the fn:doc() function to be read. E.g., this function can be used to pass an XML document in memory to fn:doc.
QByteArray myDocument;
QBuffer buffer(&myDocument); // This is a QIODevice.
QXmlQuery query;
query.bindVariable("myDocument", &buffer);
The caller must ensure that device has been opened with at least QIODevice::ReadOnly prior to this binding. Otherwise, behavior is undefined.
If the query will access an XML document contained in a QString, use a QBuffer as shown in the following snippet. Suppose myQString contains <document>content</document>
QBuffer device; device.setData(myQString.toUtf8()); device.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QXmlQuery query; query.setQuery("doc($inputDocument)/query[theDocument]"); query.bindVariable("inputDocument", &device);
name must not be null. name.isNull() must return false. If name has already been bound, its previous binding will be overridden. The URI that name evaluates to is arbitrary and may change.
If the type of the variable binding changes (e.g., if a previous binding by the same name was a QVariant, or if there was no previous binding), isValid() will return false, and recompilation of the query text is required. To recompile the query, call setQuery(). For this reason, bindVariable() should be called before setQuery(), if possible.
Note: device must not be deleted while this QXmlQuery exists.
Binds the result of the query query, to a variable by name name.
Evaluation of query will be commenced when this function is called.
If query is invalid, behavior is undefined. query will be copied.
Эта функция была введена в Qt 4.5.
Смотрите также isValid().
Это перегруженная функция.
This function constructs a QXmlName from localName using the query's namespace. The function then behaves as the overloaded function. It is equivalent to the following snippet.
QXmlNamePool namePool(query.namePool()); query.bindVariable(QXmlName(namePool, localName), value);
Это перегруженная функция.
If localName is a valid NCName, this function is equivalent to the following snippet.
QXmlNamePool namePool(query.namePool()); query.bindVariable(QXmlName(namePool, localName), device);
A QXmlName is constructed from localName, and is passed to the appropriate overload along with device.
See also QXmlName::isNCName().
Это перегруженная функция.
Has the same behavior and effects as the function being overloaded, but takes the variable name localName as a QString. query is used as in the overloaded function.
Эта функция была введена в Qt 4.5.
Starts the evaluation and makes it available in result. If result is null, the behavior is undefined. The evaluation takes place incrementally (lazy evaluation), as the caller uses QXmlResultItems::next() to get the next result.
See also QXmlResultItems::next().
Evaluates this query and sends the result as a sequence of callbacks to the receiver callback. QXmlQuery does not take ownership of callback.
If an error occurs during the evaluation, error messages are sent to messageHandler() and false is returned.
If this query is invalid, false is returned and the behavior is undefined. If callback is null, behavior is undefined.
See also QAbstractXmlReceiver and isValid().
Attempts to evaluate the query and returns the results in the target string list.
If the query is valid and the evaluation succeeds, true is returned. Otherwise, false is returned and the contents of target are undefined.
The query must evaluate to a sequence of xs:string values. If the query does not evaluate to a sequence of strings, the values can often be converted by adding a call to string() at the end of the XQuery.
If target is null, the behavior is undefined.
Evaluates the query, and serializes the output as XML to output.
If an error occurs during the evaluation, error messages are sent to messageHandler(), the content of output is undefined and false is returned, otherwise true is returned.
If output is null behavior is undefined. QXmlQuery does not take ownership of output.
Internally, the class QXmlFormatter is used for this.
Эта функция была введена в Qt 4.5.
Evaluates the query or stylesheet, and writes the output to target.
QXmlSerializer is used to write the output to target. In a future release, it is expected that this function will be changed to respect serialization options set in the stylesheet.
If an error occurs during the evaluation, error messages are sent to messageHandler() and false is returned.
If target is null, or is not opened in at least QIODevice::WriteOnly mode, the behavior is undefined. QXmlQuery does not take ownership of target.
Это перегруженная функция.
Эта функция была введена в Qt 4.5.
Returns the name of the XSL-T stylesheet template that the processor will call first when running an XSL-T stylesheet. This function only applies when using QXmlQuery to process XSL-T stylesheets. By default, no initial template is set. In that case, a default constructed QXmlName is returned.
Эта функция была введена в Qt 4.5.
See also setInitialTemplateName().
Returns true if this query is valid. Examples of invalid queries are ones that contain syntax errors or that have not had setQuery() called for them yet.
Returns the message handler that handles compile and runtime messages for this QXmlQuery.
See also setMessageHandler().
Returns the name pool used by this QXmlQuery for constructing names. There is no setter for the name pool, because mixing name pools causes errors due to name confusion.
Returns the network manager, or 0 if it has not been set.
Эта функция была введена в Qt 4.5.
See also setNetworkAccessManager().
Returns a value indicating what this QXmlQuery is being used for. The default is QXmlQuery::XQuery10, which means the QXmlQuery is being used for running XQuery and XPath queries. QXmlQuery::XSLT20 can also be returned, which indicates the QXmlQuery is for running XSL-T spreadsheets.
Эта функция была введена в Qt 4.5.
Sets the focus to item. The focus is the set of items that the context item expression and path expressions navigate from. For example, in the expression p/span, the element that p evaluates to is the focus for the following expression, span.
The focus can be accessed using the context item expression, i.e., dot (".").
By default, the focus is not set and is undefined. It will therefore result in a dynamic error, XPDY0002, if the focus is attempted to be accessed. The focus must be set before the query is set with setQuery().
There is no behavior defined for setting an item which is null.
Это перегруженная функция.
Sets the focus to be the document located at documentURI and returns true. If documentURI cannot be loaded, false is returned. It is undefined at what time the document may be loaded. When loading the document, the message handler and URI resolver set on this QXmlQuery are used.
If documentURI is empty or is not a valid URI, the behavior of this function is undefined.
Эта функция была введена в Qt 4.5.
Sets the focus to be the document read from the QIODevice and returns true. If document cannot be loaded, false is returned.
QXmlQuery does not take ownership of document. The user guarantees that a document is available from the document device and that the document is not empty. The device must be opened in at least read-only mode. document must stay in scope as long as the current query is active.
Это перегруженная функция.
Эта функция была введена в Qt 4.5.
This function behaves identically to calling the setFocus() overload with a QIODevice whose content is focus encoded as UTF-8. That is, focus is treated as if it contained an XML document.
Returns the same result as the overload.
Это перегруженная функция.
Эта функция была введена в Qt 4.6.
Sets the name of the initial template. The initial template is the one the processor calls first, instead of attempting to match a template to the context node (if any). If an initial template is not set, the standard order of template invocation will be used.
This function only applies when using QXmlQuery to process XSL-T stylesheets. The name becomes part of the compiled stylesheet. Therefore, this function must be called before calling setQuery().
If the stylesheet has no template named name, the processor will use the standard order of template invocation.
Эта функция была введена в Qt 4.5.
See also initialTemplateName().
Это перегруженная функция.
Sets the name of the initial template to localName, which must be a valid local name. The initial template is the one the processor calls first, instead of attempting to match a template to the context node (if any). If an initial template is not set, the standard order of template invocation will be used.
This function only applies when using QXmlQuery to process XSL-T stylesheets. The name becomes part of the compiled stylesheet. Therefore, this function must be called before calling setQuery().
If localName is not a valid local name, the effect is undefined. If the stylesheet has no template named localName, the processor will use the standard order of template invocation.
Эта функция была введена в Qt 4.5.
See also initialTemplateName().
Changes the message handler for this QXmlQuery to aMessageHandler. The query sends all compile and runtime messages to this message handler. QXmlQuery does not take ownership of aMessageHandler.
Normally, the default message handler is sufficient. It writes compile and runtime messages to stderr. The default message handler includes color codes if stderr can render colors.
Note that changing the message handler after the query has been compiled has no effect, i.e. the query uses the same message handler at runtime that it uses at compile time.
When QXmlQuery calls QAbstractMessageHandler::message(), the arguments are as follows:
message() argument | Semantics |
QtMsgType type | Only QtWarningMsg and QtFatalMsg are used. The former identifies a compile or runtime warning, while the latter identifies a dynamic or static error. |
const QString & description | An XHTML document which is the actual message. It is translated into the current language. |
const QUrl &identifier | Identifies the error with a URI, where the fragment is the error code, and the rest of the URI is the error namespace. |
const QSourceLocation & sourceLocation | Указывает, где произошла ошибка. |
Смотрите также messageHandler().
Sets the network manager to newManager. QXmlQuery does not take ownership of newManager.
Эта функция была введена в Qt 4.5.
See also networkAccessManager().
Устанавливает текущий QXmlQuery в XQuery, производящий чтение с устройства sourceCode. The device must have been opened with at least QIODevice::ReadOnly.
documentURI represents the query obtained from the sourceCode device. It is the base URI of the static context, as defined in the XQuery language. It is used internally to resolve relative URIs that appear in the query, and for message reporting. documentURI can be empty. If it is empty, the application file path is used. If it is not empty, it may be either relative or absolute. If it is relative, it is resolved itself against the application file path before it is used. If documentURI is neither a valid URI nor empty, the result is undefined.
If the query contains a static error (e.g. syntax error), an error message is sent to the messageHandler(), and isValid() will return false.
Variables must be bound before setQuery() is called.
The encoding of the XQuery in sourceCode is detected internally using the rules for setting and detecting encoding of XQuery files, which are explained in the XQuery language.
If sourceCode is null or not readable, or if documentURI is not a valid URI, behavior is undefined.
Смотрите также isValid().
Sets this QXmlQuery to the XQuery read from the queryURI. Use isValid() after calling this function. If an error occurred reading queryURI, e.g., the query does not exist, cannot be read, or is invalid, isValid() will return false.
The supported URI schemes are the same as those in the XQuery function fn:doc, except that queryURI can be the object of a variable binding.
baseURI is the Base URI of the static context, as defined in the XQuery language. It is used internally to resolve relative URIs that appear in the query, and for message reporting. If baseURI is empty, queryURI is used. Otherwise, baseURI is used, and it is resolved against the application file path if it is relative.
If queryURI is empty or invalid, or if baseURI is invalid, the behavior of this function is undefined.
Это перегруженная функция.
The behavior and requirements of this function are the same as for setQuery(QIODevice*, const QUrl&), after the XQuery has been read from the IO device into a string. Because sourceCode is already a Unicode string, detection of its encoding is unnecessary.
Sets the URI resolver to resolver. QXmlQuery does not take ownership of resolver.
See also uriResolver().
Returns the query's URI resolver. If no URI resolver has been set, QtXmlPatterns will use the URIs in queries as they are.
The URI resolver provides a level of abstraction, or polymorphic URIs. A resolver can rewrite logical URIs to physical ones, or it can translate obsolete or invalid URIs to valid ones.
QtXmlPatterns calls the URI resolver for all URIs it encounters, except for namespaces. Specifically, all builtin functions that deal with URIs (fn:doc(), and fn:doc-available()).
In the case of fn:doc(), the absolute URI is the base URI in the static context (which most likely is the location of the query). Rather than use the URI the user specified, the return value of QAbstractUriResolver::resolve() will be used.
When QtXmlPatterns calls QAbstractUriResolver::resolve() the absolute URI is the URI mandated by the XQuery language, and the relative URI is the URI specified by the user.
Смотрите также setUriResolver().
Ассоциирует other с текущим объектом QXmlQuery.
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