QSourceLocation Class Reference
QSourceLocation () | |
QSourceLocation ( const QSourceLocation & other ) | |
QSourceLocation ( const QUrl & u, int l = -1, int c = -1 ) | |
~QSourceLocation () | |
qint64 | column () const |
bool | isNull () const |
qint64 | line () const |
void | setColumn ( qint64 newColumn ) |
void | setLine ( qint64 newLine ) |
void | setUri ( const QUrl & newUri ) |
QUrl | uri () const |
bool | operator!= ( const QSourceLocation & other ) const |
QSourceLocation & | operator= ( const QSourceLocation & other ) |
bool | operator== ( const QSourceLocation & other ) const |
uint | qHash ( const QSourceLocation & location ) |
QDebug | operator<< ( QDebug debug, const QSourceLocation & sourceLocation ) |
The QSourceLocation class identifies a location in a resource by URI, line, and column.
QSourceLocation is a simple value based class that has three properties, uri(), line(), and column(), that, taken together, identify a certain point in a resource, e.g., a file or an in-memory document.
line() and column() refer to character counts (not byte counts), and they both start from 1, as opposed to 0.
Construct a QSourceLocation that doesn't identify anything at all.
For a default constructed QSourceLocation(), isNull() returns true.
Constructs a QSourceLocation that is a copy of other.
Constructs a QSourceLocation with URI u, line l and column c.
Returns the current column number. The column number refers to the count of characters, not bytes. The first column is column 1, not 0. The default value is -1, indicating the column number is unknown.
See also setColumn().
Returns true if this QSourceLocation doesn't identify anything.
For a default constructed QSourceLocation, this function returns true. The same applies for any other QSourceLocation whose uri() is invalid.
Returns the current line number. The first line number is 1, not 0. The default value is -1, indicating the line number is unknown.
Смотрите также setLine().
Sets the column number to newColumn. 0 is an invalid column number. The first column number is 1.
See also column().
Sets the line number to newLine. 0 is an invalid line number. The first line number is 1.
Смотрите также line().
Sets the URI to newUri.
See also uri().
Returns the resource that this QSourceLocation refers to. For example, the resource could be a file in the local file system, if the URI scheme is file.
See also setUri().
Returns the opposite of applying operator==() for this QXmlName and other.
Assigns this QSourceLocation instance to other.
Returns true if this QSourceLocation is identical to other.
Two QSourceLocation instances are equal if their uri(), line() and column() are equal.
QSourceLocation instances for which isNull() returns true are considered equal.
Computes a hash key for the QSourceLocation location.
Эта функция была введена в Qt 4.4.
Prints sourceLocation to the debug stream debug.
Эта функция была введена в Qt 4.4.
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