QWebDatabase Class Reference [QtWebKit module]
The QWebDatabase class provides access to HTML 5 databases created with JavaScript. Далее...
#include <QWebDatabase> This class was introduced in Qt 4.5.
Открытые функции
Статические открытые члены
Подробное описание
The QWebDatabase class provides access to HTML 5 databases created with JavaScript.
The upcoming HTML 5 standard includes support for SQL databases that web sites can create and access on a local computer through JavaScript. QWebDatabase is the C++ interface to these databases.
For more information refer to the HTML 5 Draft Standard.
See also QWebSecurityOrigin.
Описание функций-членов
QWebDatabase::QWebDatabase ( const QWebDatabase & other )
Constructs a web database from other.
QWebDatabase::~QWebDatabase ()
Destroys the web database object. The data within this database is \b not destroyed.
QString QWebDatabase::displayName () const
Returns the name of the database as seen by the user.
qint64 QWebDatabase::expectedSize () const
Returns the expected size of the database in bytes as defined by the web author.
QString QWebDatabase::fileName () const
Returns the file name of the web database.
The name can be used to access the database through the QtSql database module, for example:
QWebDatabase webdb = ...
QSqlDatabase sqldb = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE", "myconnection");
if (sqldb.open()) {
QStringList tables = sqldb.tables();
Note: Concurrent access to a database from multiple threads or processes is not very efficient because Sqlite is used as WebKit's database backend.
QString QWebDatabase::name () const
Returns the name of the database.
Returns the databases's security origin.
void QWebDatabase::removeDatabase ( const QWebDatabase & db ) [static]
Removes the database, db, from its security origin. All data stored in this database will be destroyed.
qint64 QWebDatabase::size () const
Returns the current size of the database in bytes.
QWebDatabase & QWebDatabase::operator= ( const QWebDatabase & other )
Assigns the other web database to this.
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