Q3WhatsThis Class Reference [Qt3Support module]
#include <Q3WhatsThis> This class is part of the Qt 3 support library. It is provided to keep old source code working. Мы настоятельно не рекомендуем использовать этот класс в новом коде. See Porting to Qt 4 for more information.
Унаследован от: QObject.
Открытые функции
- 29 открытых функций, унаследованных от QObject
Статические открытые члены
- 5 статических открытых членов, унаследованных от QObject
Дополнительные унаследованные члены
- 1 свойство, унаследованное от QObject
- 1 открытый слот, унаследованный от QObject
- 1 сигнал, унаследованный от QObject
- 7 защищенных функций, унаследованных от QObject
Подробное описание
Описание функций-членов
Q3WhatsThis::Q3WhatsThis ( QWidget * widget )
Constructs a new "What's This?" object for widget.
Q3WhatsThis::~Q3WhatsThis ()
Destroys the "What's This?" object.
void Q3WhatsThis::add ( QWidget * widget, const QString & text ) [static]
Adds text as "What's This?" help for widget. If the text is rich text formatted (i.e. it contains markup) it will be rendered with the default stylesheet QStyleSheet::defaultSheet().
The text is destroyed if the widget is later destroyed, so it need not be explicitly removed.
See also remove().
bool Q3WhatsThis::clicked ( const QString & href ) [virtual]
This virtual function is called when the user clicks inside the "What's this?" window. href is the link the user clicked on, or an empty string if there was no link.
If the function returns true (the default), the "What's this?" window is closed, otherwise it remains visible.
The default implementation ignores href and returns true.
void Q3WhatsThis::display ( const QString & text, const QPoint & pos = QCursor::pos(), QWidget * widget = 0 ) [static]
Display text in a help window at the global screen position pos.
If widget widget is not 0 and has its own dedicated QWhatsThis object, this object will receive clicked() messages when the user clicks on hyperlinks inside the help text.
See also clicked().
void Q3WhatsThis::enterWhatsThisMode () [static]
Enters "What's This?" mode and returns immediately.
Qt will install a special cursor and take over mouse input until the user clicks somewhere. It then shows any help available and ends "What's This?" mode. Finally, Qt removes the special cursor and help window and then restores ordinary event processing, at which point the left mouse button is no longer pressed.
The user can also use the Esc key to leave "What's This?" mode.
See also inWhatsThisMode() and leaveWhatsThisMode().
bool Q3WhatsThis::inWhatsThisMode () [static]
Returns true if the application is in "What's This?" mode; otherwise returns false.
See also enterWhatsThisMode() and leaveWhatsThisMode().
void Q3WhatsThis::leaveWhatsThisMode ( const QString & text = QString(), const QPoint & pos = QCursor::pos(), QWidget * widget = 0 ) [static]
This function is used internally by widgets that support QWidget::customWhatsThis(); applications do not usually call it. An example of such a widget is Q3PopupMenu: menus still work normally in "What's This?" mode but also provide help texts for individual menu items.
If text is not empty, a "What's This?" help window is displayed at the global screen position pos. If widget widget is not 0 and has its own dedicated QWhatsThis object, this object will receive clicked() messages when the user clicks on hyperlinks inside the help text.
See also inWhatsThisMode(), enterWhatsThisMode(), and clicked().
void Q3WhatsThis::remove ( QWidget * widget ) [static]
Removes the "What's This?" help associated with the widget. This happens automatically if the widget is destroyed.
See also add().
QString Q3WhatsThis::text ( const QPoint & pos ) [virtual]
This virtual function returns the text for position pos in the widget that this "What's This?" object documents. If there is no "What's This?" text for the position, an empty string is returned.
The default implementation returns an empty string.
QToolButton * Q3WhatsThis::whatsThisButton ( QWidget * parent ) [static]
Creates a QToolButton preconfigured to enter "What's This?" mode when clicked. You will often use this with a tool bar as parent:
(void)Q3WhatsThis::whatsThisButton( my_help_tool_bar );
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