QScriptString Class Reference [QtScript module]
The QScriptString class acts as a handle to "interned" strings in a QScriptEngine. Далее...
#include <QScriptString> Этот класс был введён в Qt 4.4.
Открытые функции
Подробное описание
The QScriptString class acts as a handle to "interned" strings in a QScriptEngine.
QScriptString can be used to achieve faster (repeated) property getting/setting, and comparison of property names, of script objects.
To get a QScriptString representation of a string, pass the string to QScriptEngine::toStringHandle(). The typical usage pattern is to register one or more pre-defined strings when setting up your script environment, then subsequently use the relevant QScriptString as argument to e.g. QScriptValue::property().
Call the toString() function to obtain the string that a QScriptString represents.
Описание функций-членов
QScriptString::QScriptString ()
Constructs an invalid QScriptString.
QScriptString::QScriptString ( const QScriptString & other )
Constructs a new QScriptString that is a copy of other.
QScriptString::~QScriptString ()
Destroys this QScriptString.
bool QScriptString::isValid () const
Returns true if this QScriptString is valid; otherwise returns false.
QString QScriptString::toString () const
Returns the string that this QScriptString represents, or a null string if this QScriptString is not valid.
Смотрите также isValid().
QScriptString::operator QString () const
Returns the string that this QScriptString represents, or a null string if this QScriptString is not valid.
Смотрите также toString().
bool QScriptString::operator!= ( const QScriptString & other ) const
Returns true if this QScriptString is not equal to other; otherwise returns false.
QScriptString & QScriptString::operator= ( const QScriptString & other )
Assigns the other value to this QScriptString.
bool QScriptString::operator== ( const QScriptString & other ) const
Returns true if this QScriptString is equal to other; otherwise returns false.