QPictureFormatPlugin Class Reference [модуль QtGui]
The QPictureFormatPlugin class provides an abstract base for custom picture format plugins. Далее...
#include <QPictureFormatPlugin> Данный класс устарел. Он предоставлен для поддержки ранее написанного кода. Мы настоятельно не рекомендуем использовать этот класс в новом коде.
Унаследован от: QObject.
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Подробное описание
The QPictureFormatPlugin class provides an abstract base for custom picture format plugins.
The picture format plugin is a simple plugin interface that makes it easy to create custom picture formats that can be used transparently by applications.
Writing an picture format plugin is achieved by subclassing this base class, reimplementing the pure virtual functions keys(), loadPicture(), savePicture(), and installIOHandler(), and exporting the class with the Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2() macro.
See also How to Create Qt Plugins.
Описание функций-членов
QPictureFormatPlugin::QPictureFormatPlugin ( QObject * parent = 0 )
Constructs an picture format plugin with the given parent. This is invoked automatically by the Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2() macro.
QPictureFormatPlugin::~QPictureFormatPlugin ()
Destroys the picture format plugin.
You never have to call this explicitly. Qt destroys a plugin automatically when it is no longer used.
bool QPictureFormatPlugin::installIOHandler ( const QString & format ) [pure virtual]
Installs a QPictureIO picture I/O handler for the picture format format.
Смотрите также keys().
QStringList QPictureFormatPlugin::keys () const [pure virtual]
Returns the list of picture formats this plugin supports.
See also installIOHandler().
bool QPictureFormatPlugin::loadPicture ( const QString & format, const QString & fileName, QPicture * picture ) [virtual]
Loads the picture stored in the file called fileName, with the given format, into *picture. Возвращает true, если всё прошло успешно; в противном случае возвращает false.
See also savePicture().
bool QPictureFormatPlugin::savePicture ( const QString & format, const QString & fileName, const QPicture & picture ) [virtual]
Saves the given picture into the file called fileName, using the specified format. Возвращает true, если всё прошло успешно; в противном случае возвращает false.
See also loadPicture().