PyQt v4 - Python Bindings for Qt v4Reference Guide
1 IntroductionThis is the reference guide for PyQt 4.4.4. PyQt v4 is a set of Python bindings for v4 of the Qt application framework from Trolltech. There is a separate PyQt API Reference. Qt is a set of C++ libraries and development tools that includes platform independent abstractions for graphical user interfaces, networking, threads, Unicode, regular expressions, SQL databases, SVG, OpenGL, XML, and user and application settings. PyQt implements 440 of these classes as a set of Python modules. PyQt supports the Windows, Linux, UNIX and MacOS/X platforms. PyQt does not include Qt itself - you must obtain it separately. The homepage for PyQt is Here you will always find the latest stable version, current development snapshots, and the latest version of this documentation. PyQt is built using the SIP bindings generator. SIP must be installed in order to build and use PyQt. Earlier versions of Qt are supported by PyQt v3. 1.1 LicenseLike Qt v4, PyQt is licensed on all platforms under a commercial license, the GPL v2 and the GPL v3. Your PyQt license must be compatible with your Qt license. If you use the GPL versions then your own code must also use a compatible license. You can purchase a commercial PyQt license here. 1.2 PyQt ComponentsPyQt comprises a number of different components. First of all there are a number of Python extension modules. These are all installed in the PyQt4 Python package.
PyQt also contains a number of utility programs.
When PyQt is configured a file called PyQt4.api is generated. This can be used by the QScintilla editor component (at to enable the use of auto-completion and call tips when editing PyQt code. The API file is installed automatically if QScintilla is already installed. PyQt includes a large number of examples. These are ports to Python of many of the C++ examples provided with Qt. They can be found in the examples directory. Finally, PyQt contains the .sip files used by SIP to generate PyQt itself. These can be used by developers of bindings of other Qt based class libraries - for example PyQwt and PyQwt3D. 2 Installing PyQt2.1 Downloading SIPSIP must be installed before building and using PyQt. You can get the latest release of the SIP source code from The SIP documentation can be found at 2.2 Downloading PyQtYou can get the latest release of the GPL version of the PyQt source code from If you are using the commercial version of PyQt then you should use the download instructions which were sent to you when you made your purchase. You must also download your license file. 2.3 Configuring PyQtAfter unpacking the source package (either a .tar.gz or a .zip file depending on your platform) you should then check for any README files that relate to your platform. If you are using the commercial version of PyQt then you must copy your license file to the sip directory. You need to make sure your environment variables are set properly for your development environment. For example, if you are using a binary distribution of Qt on Windows then make sure you have run the qtvars.bat file. For other platforms it is normally enough to ensure that Qt's bin directory is on your PATH. Next you need to configure SIP by executing the script. For example: python This assumes that the Python interpreter is on your path. Something like the following may be appropriate on Windows: c:\python25\python If you have multiple versions of Python installed then make sure you use the interpreter for which you wish to build PyQt for. The full set of command line options is:
2.4 Building PyQtThe next step is to build PyQt by running your platform's make command. For example: make The final step is to install PyQt by running the following command: make install (Depending on your system you may require root or administrator privileges.) This will install the various PyQt components. 3 Signal and Slot SupportOne of the key features of Qt is its use of signals and slots to communicate between objects. Their use encourages the development of reusable components. A signal is emitted when a particular event occurs. A slot is a function (in PyQt a slot is any Python callable). If a signal is connected to a slot (using the QtCore.QObject.connect() method) then the slot is called when the signal is emitted. If a signal isn't connected then nothing happens. The code (or component) that emits the signal does not know or care if the signal is being used. A signal may be connected to many slots. A signal may also be connected to another signal. A slot may be connected to many signals. In PyQt signals are emitted using the QtCore.QObject.emit() method. Connections may be direct (ie. synchronous) or queued (ie. asynchronous). Connections may be made across threads. Signals are disconnected using the QtCore.QObject.disconnect() method. 3.1 PyQt Signals and Qt SignalsQt signals are statically defined as part of a C++ class. They are referenced using the QtCore.SIGNAL() function. This method takes a single string argument that is the name of the signal and its C++ signature. For example: QtCore.SIGNAL("finished(int)") The returned value is normally passed to the QtCore.QObject.connect() method. PyQt allows new signals to be defined dynamically. The act of emitting a PyQt signal implicitly defines it. PyQt v4 signals are also referenced using the QtCore.SIGNAL() function. 3.2 The PyQt_PyObject Signal Argument TypeIt is possible to pass any Python object as a signal argument by specifying PyQt_PyObject as the type of the argument in the signature. For example: QtCore.SIGNAL("finished(PyQt_PyObject)") While this would normally be used for passing objects like lists and dictionaries as signal arguments, it can be used for any Python type. Its advantage when passing, for example, an integer is that the normal conversions from a Python object to a C++ integer and back again are not required. The reference count of the object being passed is maintained automatically. There is no need for the emitter of a signal to keep a reference to the object after the call to QtCore.QObject.emit(), even if a connection is queued. 3.3 Short-circuit SignalsThere is also a special form of a PyQt v4 signal known as a short-circuit signal. Short-circut signals implicitly declare each argument as being of type PyQt_PyObject. Short-circuit signals do not have a list of arguments or the surrounding parentheses. Short-circuit signals may only be connected to slots that have been implemented in Python. They cannot be connected to Qt slots or the Python callables that wrap Qt slots. 3.4 PyQt Slots and Qt SlotsQt slots are statically defined as part of a C++ class. They are referenced using the QtCore.SLOT() function. This method takes a single string argument that is the name of the slot and its C++ signature. For example: QtCore.SLOT("done(int)") The returned value is normally passed to the QtCore.QObject.connect() method. PyQt allows any Python callable to be used as a slot, not just Qt slots. This is done by simply referencing the callable. Because Qt slots are implemented as class methods they are also available as Python callables. Therefore it is not usually necessary to use QtCore.SLOT() for Qt slots. However, doing so is more efficient as it avoids a conversion to Python and back to C++. Qt allows a signal to be connected to a slot that requires fewer arguments than the signal passes. The extra arguments are quietly discarded. PyQt slots can be used in the same way. Note that when a slot is a Python callable its reference count is not increased. This means that a class instance can be deleted without having to explicitly disconnect any signals connected to its methods. However, if a slot is a lambda function or a partial function then its reference count is automatically incremented to prevent it from being immediately garbage collected. 3.5 Connecting Signals and SlotsConnections between signals and slots (and other signals) are made using the QtCore.QObject.connect() method. For example: QtCore.QObject.connect(a, QtCore.SIGNAL("QtSig()"), pyFunction) QtCore.QObject.connect(a, QtCore.SIGNAL("QtSig()"), pyClass.pyMethod) QtCore.QObject.connect(a, QtCore.SIGNAL("QtSig()"), b, QtCore.SLOT("QtSlot()")) QtCore.QObject.connect(a, QtCore.SIGNAL("PySig()"), b, QtCore.SLOT("QtSlot()")) QtCore.QObject.connect(a, QtCore.SIGNAL("PySig"), pyFunction) Disconnecting signals works in exactly the same way using the QtCore.QObject.disconnect() method. However, not all the variations of that method are supported by PyQt. Signals must be disconnected one at a time. 3.6 Emitting SignalsAny instance of a class that is derived from the QtCore.QObject class can emit a signal using its emit() method. This takes a minimum of one argument which is the signal. Any other arguments are passed to the connected slots as the signal arguments. For example: a.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()")) a.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("pySig"), "Hello", "World") 3.7 The QtCore.pyqtSignature() DecoratorMany of Qt's features make use of its meta-object system. In order to make use of these features from Python it is sometimes necessary to make certain Python objects (i.e. QObject sub-classes, properties and methods) appear as C++ objects. In particular it is sometimes necessary to define a C++ function signature that a Python method emulates. PyQt provides the QtCore.pyqtSignature() function decorator to do this. The decorator takes a signature argument and an optional result argument. Both are strings. The signature is a comma separated list of C++ types representing each of the arguments. The list may be enclosed in (). The list may also be preceeded by a function name. If the name is given then the () must also be given. If the name is omitted then the name of the Python method being decorated is used instead. The result argument is simply the C++ type of the result. If it is omitted then it is assumed that no result is returned. For example: @QtCore.pyqtSignature("") def foo(self): """ C++: void foo() """ @QtCore.pyqtSignature("int, char *") def foo(self, arg1, arg2): """ C++: void foo(int, char *) """ @QtCore.pyqtSignature("bar(int)") def foo(self, arg1): """ C++: void bar(int) """ @QtCore.pyqtSignature("int", result="int") def foo(self, arg1): """ C++: int foo(int) """ Any method of a class that is a sub-class of QObject that is decorated is defined to Qt's meta-object system as a slot. The following sections describe the situations that the decorator might be used. 3.7.1 Integrating Python and JavaScript in QtWebKitQtWebKit uses slots to expose class methods implemented in C++ as JavaScript methods that can be called from scripts embedded in HTML. Python class methods that have been decorated behave in exactly the same way. In the same way, properties created using QtCore.pyqtProperty() are also automatically exposed as JavaScript properties. 3.7.2 Using Python Widgets in Qt DesignerUsing the decorator is one part of enabling a GUI widget implemented in Python to be used in Qt Designer in the same way as a widget implemented in C++. See Writing Qt Designer Plugins for the details. 3.7.3 Connecting Slots By NamePyQt supports the QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName() function that is most commonly used by pyuic4 generated Python code to automatically connect signals to slots that conform to a simple naming convention. However, where a class has overloaded Qt signals (ie. with the same name but with different arguments) PyQt needs additional information in order to automatically connect the correct signal. For example the QtGui.QSpinBox class has the following signals: void valueChanged(int i); void valueChanged(const QString &text); When the value of the spin box changes both of these signals will be emitted. If you have implemented a slot called on_spinbox_valueChanged (which assumes that you have given the QSpinBox instance the name spinbox) then it will be connected to both variations of the signal. Therefore, when the user changes the value, your slot will be called twice - once with an integer argument, and once with a QString argument. This also happens with signals that take optional arguments. Qt implements this using multiple signals. For example, QtGui.QAbstractButton has the following signal: void clicked(bool checked = false); Qt implements this as the following: void clicked(); void clicked(bool checked); The decorator can be used to specify which of the signals should be connected to the slot. For example, if you were only interested in the integer variant of the signal then your slot definition would look like the following: @QtCore.pyqtSignature("int") def on_spinbox_valueChanged(self, i): # i will be an integer. pass If you wanted to handle both variants of the signal, but with different Python methods, then your slot definitions might look like the following: @QtCore.pyqtSignature("on_spinbox_valueChanged(int)") def spinbox_int_value(self, i): # i will be an integer. pass @QtCore.pyqtSignature("on_spinbox_valueChanged(const QString &)") def spinbox_qstring_value(self, qs): # qs will be a QString. pass The following shows an example using a button when you are not interested in the optional argument: @QtCore.pyqtSignature("") def on_button_clicked(self): pass 4 Python Objects and QVariantQt uses the QVariant class as a wrapper for any C++ data type. PyQt allows any Python object to be wrapped as a QVariant and passed around Qt's meta-object system like any other type. PyQt will try to convert the Python object to a C++ equivalent if it can so that the QVariant can be passed to other C++ code that doesn't know what a Python object is. PyQt provides the toPyObject() method of QVariant which will convert the QVariant back to a Python object of the correct type. It will raise a Python exception if it cannot do so. 5 Support for PicklingThe following PyQt classes may be pickled.
Also all named enums (QtCore.Qt.Key for example) may be pickled. 6 Support for Python's Buffer InterfaceIf SIP v4.7.5 or later is used then any Python object that supports the buffer interface can be used whenever a char or char * is expected. If the buffer has multiple segments then all but the first will be ignored. 7 Using PyQt from the Python ShellPyQt installs an input hook (using PyOS_InputHook) that processes events when an interactive interpreter is waiting for user input. This means that you can, for example, create widgets from the Python shell prompt, interact with them, and still being able to enter other Python commands. For example, if you enter the following in the Python shell: >>> from PyQt4 import QtGui >>> a = QtGui.QApplication([]) >>> w = QtGui.QWidget() >>> >>> w.hide() >>> The widget would be displayed when was entered amd hidden as soon as w.hide() was entered. The installation of an input hook can cause problems for certain applications (particularly those that implement a similar feature using different means). The QtCore module contains the pyqtRemoveInputHook() and pyqtRestoreInputHook() functions that remove and restore the input hook respectively. 8 Using Qt DesignerQt Designer is the Qt tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces. It allows you to design widgets, dialogs or complete main windows using on-screen forms and a simple drag-and-drop interface. It has the ability to preview your designs to ensure they work as you intended, and to allow you to prototype them with your users, before you have to write any code. Qt Designer uses XML .ui files to store designs and does not generate any code itself. Qt includes the uic utility that generates the C++ code that creates the user interface. Qt also includes the QUiLoader class that allows an application to load a .ui file and to create the corresponding user interface dynamically. PyQt does not wrap the QUiLoader class but instead includes the uic Python module. Like QUiLoader this module can load .ui files to create a user interface dynamically. Like the uic utility it can also generate the Python code that will create the user interface. PyQt's pyuic4 utility is a command line interface to the uic module. Both are described in detail in the following sections. 8.1 Using the Generated CodeThe code that is generated has an identical structure to that generated by Qt's uic and can be used in the same way. The code is structured as a single class that is derived from the Python object type. The name of the class is the name of the toplevel object set in Designer with Ui_ prepended. (In the C++ version the class is defined in the Ui namespace.) We refer to this class as the form class. The class contains a method called setupUi(). This takes a single argument which is the widget in which the user interface is created. The type of this argument (typically QDialog, QWidget or QMainWindow) is set in Designer. We refer to this type as the Qt base class. In the following examples we assume that a .ui file has been created containing a dialog and the name of the QDialog object is ImageDialog. We also assume that the name of the file containing the generated Python code is The generated code can then be used in a number of ways. The first example shows the direct approach where we simply create a simple application to create the dialog: import sys from PyQt4 import QtGui from ui_imagedialog import Ui_ImageDialog app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) window = QtGui.QDialog() ui = Ui_ImageDialog() ui.setupUi(window) sys.exit(app.exec_()) The second example shows the single inheritance approach where we sub-class QDialog and set up the user interface in the __init__() method: from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui from ui_imagedialog import Ui_ImageDialog class ImageDialog(QtGui.QDialog): def __init__(self): QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self) # Set up the user interface from Designer. self.ui = Ui_ImageDialog() self.ui.setupUi(self) # Make some local modifications. self.ui.colorDepthCombo.addItem("2 colors (1 bit per pixel)") # Connect up the buttons. self.connect(self.ui.okButton, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self, QtCore.SLOT("accept()")) self.connect(self.ui.cancelButton, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self, QtCore.SLOT("reject()")) The third example shows the multiple inheritance approach: from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui from ui_imagedialog import Ui_ImageDialog class ImageDialog(QtGui.QDialog, Ui_ImageDialog): def __init__(self): QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self) # Set up the user interface from Designer. self.setupUi(self) # Make some local modifications. self.colorDepthCombo.addItem("2 colors (1 bit per pixel)") # Connect up the buttons. self.connect(self.okButton, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self, QtCore.SLOT("accept()")) self.connect(self.cancelButton, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self, QtCore.SLOT("reject()")) It is also possible to use the same approach used in PyQt v3. This is shown in the final example: from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui from ui_imagedialog import ImageDialog class MyImageDialog(ImageDialog): def __init__(self): ImageDialog.__init__(self) # Make some local modifications. self.colorDepthCombo.addItem("2 colors (1 bit per pixel)") # Connect up the buttons. self.connect(self.okButton, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self, QtCore.SLOT("accept()")) self.connect(self.cancelButton, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self, QtCore.SLOT("reject()")) For a full description see the Qt Designer Manual in the Qt Documentation. 8.2 The uic ModuleThe uic module contains the following functions.
8.3 pyuic4The pyuic4 utility is a command line interface to the uic module. The command has the following syntax: pyuic4 [options] .ui-file The full set of command line options is:
8.4 Writing Qt Designer PluginsQt Designer can be extended by writing plugins. Normally this is done using C++ but PyQt also allows you to write plugins in Python. Most of the time a plugin is used to expose a custom widget to Designer so that it appears in Designer's widget box just like any other widget. It is possibe to change the widget's properties and to connect its signals and slots. It is also possible to add new functionality to Designer. See the Qt documentation for the full details. Here we will concentrate on describing how to write custom widgets in Python. The process of integrating Python custom widgets with Designer is very similar to that used with widget written using C++. However, there are particular issues that have to be addressed.
PyQt provides the following components and features to resolve these issues as simply as possible.
Note that the ability to define new Qt signals, slots and properties from Python is potentially useful to plugins conforming to any plugin interface and not just that used by Designer. For a simple but complete and fully documented example of a custom widget that defines new Qt signals, slots and properties, and its plugin, look in the examples/designer/plugins directory of the PyQt source package. The widgets subdirectory contains the custom widget and the python subdirectory contains its plugin. 9 The PyQt Resource SystemPyQt supports Qt's resource system. This is a facility for embedding resources such as icons and translation files in an application. This makes the packaging and distribution of those resources much easier. A .qrc resource collection file is an XML file used to specify which resource files are to be embedded. The application then refers to the resource files by their original names but preceded by a colon. For a full description, including the format of the .qrc files, see the Qt Resource System in the Qt documentation. 9.1 pyrcc4pyrcc4 is PyQt's equivalent to Qt's rcc utility and is used in exactly the same way. pyrcc4 reads the .qrc file, and the resource files, and generates a Python module that only needs to be import ed by the application in order for those resources to be made available just as if they were the original files. pyrcc4 will only be included if your copy of Qt includes the XML module. 10 Internationalisation of PyQt ApplicationsPyQt and Qt include a comprehensive set of tools for translating applications into local languages. For a full description, see the Qt Linguist Manual in the Qt documentation. The process of internationalising an application comprises the following steps.
10.1 pylupdate4pylupdate4 is PyQt's equivalent to Qt's lupdate utility and is used in exactly the same way. A Qt .pro project file is read that specifies the Python source files and Qt Designer interface files from which the text that needs to be translated is extracted. The .pro file also specifies the .ts translation files that pylupdate4 updates (or creates if necessary) and are subsequently used by Qt Linguist. pylupdate4 will only be included if your copy of Qt includes the XML module. 10.2 Differences Between PyQt and QtQt implements internationalisation support through the QTranslator class, and the QCoreApplication::translate(), QObject::tr() and QObject::trUtf8() methods. Usually the tr() method is used to obtain the correct translation of a message. The translation process uses a message context to allow the same message to be translated differently. tr() is actually generated by moc and uses the hardcoded class name as the context. On the other hand, QApplication::translate() allows the context to be explicitly stated. Unfortunately, because of the way Qt implements tr() (and trUtf8()) it is not possible for PyQt to exactly reproduce its behaviour. The PyQt implementation of tr() (and trUtf8()) uses the class name of the instance as the context. The key difference, and the source of potential problems, is that the context is determined dynamically in PyQt, but is hardcoded in Qt. In other words, the context of a translation may change depending on an instance's class hierarchy. For example: class A(QtCore.QObject): def hello(self): return"Hello") class B(A): pass a = A() a.hello() b = B() b.hello() In the above the message is translated by a.hello() using a context of A, and by b.hello() using a context of B. In the equivalent C++ version the context would be A in both cases. The PyQt behaviour is unsatisfactory and may be changed in the future. It is recommended that QCoreApplication.translate() be used in preference to tr() (and trUtf8()). This is guaranteed to work with current and future versions of PyQt and makes it much easier to share message files between Python and C++ code. Below is the alternative implementation of A that uses QCoreApplication.translate(): class A(QtCore.QObject): def hello(self): return QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate("A", "Hello") 11 The DBus Support ModuleThe DBus support module is installed as dbus.mainloop.qt and provides support for the Qt event loop to the standard dbus-python language bindings package. The module's API is almost identical to that of the dbus.mainloop.glib modules that provides support for the GLib event loop. The dbus.mainloop.qt module contains the following function.
The following code fragment is all that is normally needed to set up the standard dbus-python language bindings package to be used with PyQt: import dbus.mainloop.qt dbus.mainloop.qt.DBusQtMainLoop(set_as_default=True) 12 Things to be Aware Of12.1 Python Strings, Qt Strings and UnicodeUnicode support was added to Qt in v2.0 and to Python in v1.6. In Qt, Unicode support is implemented using the QString class. It is important to understand that QString instances, Python string objects and Python Unicode objects are all different but conversions between them are automatic in almost all cases and easy to achieve manually when needed. Whenever PyQt expects a QString as a function argument, a Python string object or a Python Unicode object can be provided instead, and PyQt will do the necessary conversion automatically. You may also manually convert Python string and Unicode objects to QString instances by using the QString constructor as demonstrated in the following code fragment: qs1 = QtCore.QString("Converted Python string object") qs2 = QtCore.QString(u"Converted Python Unicode object") In order to convert a QString to a Python string object use the Python str() builtin. Applying str() to a null QString and an empty QString both result in an empty Python string object. In order to convert a QString to a Python Unicode object use the Python unicode() builtin. Applying unicode() to a null QString and an empty QString both result in an empty Python Unicode object. QString also implements Python's buffer protocol which means that a QString can be used in many places where a Python string or Unicode object is expected without being explicitly converted. 12.2 Garbage CollectionC++ does not garbage collect unreferenced class instances, whereas Python does. In the following C++ fragment both colours exist even though the first can no longer be referenced from within the program: col = new QColor(); col = new QColor(); In the corresponding Python fragment, the first colour is destroyed when the second is assigned to col: col = QtGui.QColor() col = QtGui.QColor() In Python, each colour must be assigned to different names. Typically this is done within class definitions, so the code fragment would be something like: self.col1 = QtGui.QColor() self.col2 = QtGui.QColor() Sometimes a Qt class instance will maintain a pointer to another instance and will eventually call the destructor of that second instance. The most common example is that a QObject (and any of its sub-classes) keeps pointers to its children and will automatically call their destructors. In these cases, the corresponding Python object will also keep a reference to the corresponding child objects. So, in the following Python fragment, the first QLabel is not destroyed when the second is assigned to lab because the parent QWidget still has a reference to it: parent = QtGui.QWidget() lab = QtGui.QLabel("First label", parent) lab = QtGui.QLabel("Second label", parent) 12.3 Multiple InheritanceIt is not possible to define a new Python class that sub-classes from more than one Qt class. 12.4 Access to Protected Member FunctionsWhen an instance of a C++ class is not created from Python it is not possible to access the protected member functions, or emit any signals, of that instance. Attempts to do so will raise a Python exception. Also, any Python methods corresponding to the instance's virtual member functions will never be called. 12.5 None and NULLThroughout PyQt, the None value can be specified wherever NULL is acceptable to the underlying C++ code. Equally, NULL is converted to None whenever it is returned by the underlying C++ code. 12.6 Support for void *PyQt (actually SIP) represents void * values as objects of type sip.voidptr. Such values are often used to pass the addresses of external objects between different Python modules. To make this easier, a Python integer (or anything that Python can convert to an integer) can be used whenever a sip.voidptr is expected. A sip.voidptr may be converted to a Python integer by using the int() builtin function. A sip.voidptr may be converted to a Python string by using its asstring() method. The asstring() method takes an optional integer argument which is the length of the data in bytes. A sip.voidptr may also be given a size (ie. the size of the block of memory that is pointed to) by calling its setsize() method. If it has a size then it is also able to support Python's buffer protocol. This means that it can be wrapped using Python's buffer() builtin to create an object that treats the block of memory as a mutable list of bytes. It also means that the Python struct module can be used to unpack and pack binary data structures in memory, memory mapped files or shared memory. 12.7 super and PyQt ClassesInternally PyQt implements a lazy technique for attribute lookup where attributes are only placed in type and instance dictionaries when they are first referenced. This technique is needed to reduce the time taken to import large modules such as PyQt. In most circumstances this technique is transparent to an application. The exception is when super is used with a PyQt class. The way that super is currently implemented means that the lazy lookup is bypassed resulting in AttributeError exceptions unless the attribute has been previously referenced. Note that this restriction applies to any class wrapped by SIP and not just PyQt. 13 Deploying Commercial PyQt ApplicationsWhen deploying commercial PyQt applications it is necessary to discourage users from accessing the underlying PyQt modules for themselves. A user that used the modules shipped with your application to develop new applications would themselves be considered a developer and would need their own commercial Qt and PyQt licenses. One solution to this problem is the VendorID package. This allows you to build Python extension modules that can only be imported by a digitally signed custom interpreter. The package enables you to create such an interpreter with your application embedded within it. The result is an interpreter that can only run your application, and PyQt modules that can only be imported by that interpreter. You can use the package to similarly restrict access to any extension module. In order to build PyQt with support for the VendorID package, pass the -i command line flag to 14 The PyQt Build SystemThe PyQt build system is an extension of the SIP build system and is implemented by the pyqtconfig module, part of the PyQt4 package. It can be used by configuration scripts of other bindings that build on top of PyQt and takes care of the details of the Qt installation. The module contains a number of classes. 14.1 pyqtconfig Classes